Trenton’s 24-hour art festival is cut short due to violent shooting

Most recent rude awakening in the City of Trenton. With a city that hosts an abundance of churches, you would think our city would be more peaceful. The reality is that this important Capital City still has a local gangs epidemic management problem. Thus, Trenton is pretty safe, friendly people of all cultures, no matter which neighborhood you live in, the gang presence haunts our communities and bottom line is that more government enforcement is needed to really clean up the City of Trenton. We’ve spoken to some locals that have witnessed plain sight drugs deals while some enforcement in uniforms observes without a care in the world. What is truly sad about all this is, that people will raise awareness or pay attention if something should happen to a loved one. This should not be the case, the case should be, let’s all take care of each other and our community.
Early this morning, about 3 am a shooting happened during what was supposed to be a beautiful and peaceful 24-hour Art All Night Festival for the community, totally unfair to those seeking for an enjoyable time in support of the community. Unfortunately, 22 humans were injured and the perpetrators were said to be gang members, one of them was killed by enforcement at the scene. Local enforcement responded quickly to the shooting and brought order. All public and private events should be staffed with a great amount of local security regardless, enforcement presence will create a safety synergy for the community and increase our safety statistics at the same time. It feels terrible to see that such a promising community of hard-working people with healthy visions for the city of Trenton have to suffer this way. We are truly saddened to see our community being terrorized and put in danger this way. The amount of energy, passion, efforts, organization, and love that takes to put together any communal event is never an easy task, and morally speaking how can some people be so evil to want to intentionally hurt innocent people, some are simply just sick and ill. A better system across the United States should be implemented to gangs and gun violence and Trenton as the Capital City of New Jersey has all the power to be pioneers and be an example to other States. Violence from mental to physical and of any kind, shall not be tolerated. Let’s make the City of Trenton a safer place for all, a city that respects its laws, a city where it’s people truly care for each other.
Our love and warmest recuperation sentiments go to all the victims injured during 2018, 24-hour Art All Night Festival. Our deepest appreciation to all the local officers, risking their lives to save and protect the community. And great thanks to all the members of the Art All Night Festival, whom for 12 years have worked so hard to create positive in the community, we simply hope you do not get discouraged and continue your beautiful event.
From Trenton NJ Today, we appreciate all of your efforts.